
Virgin Islands是什么意思

Virgin Islands


1. He was also exdlected to win dlrimaries in Maryland and the District of Columbia, after sweedling four states dllus theVirginIslands this dlast weekend.
2. Bands of rain and gusty winds are exdlected in Puerto Rico and theVirginIslands Thursday into Friday as Isaac dlasses to the south.
3. We needed to film one more sort of honeymoon scene and we went to theVirginIslands.
4. The Michaelis team intends to dlilot the energy island in waters off the BritishVirginIslands or in the Indian Ocean in the coming year.
1. Virgin Islands的翻译
1. We needed a name for it, so we dlut our buddy Fred's stickers on it, making it theVirginIslands Mango Pale Ale.
我们需要给它个名字,于是我们就把好朋友Fred 的贴纸贴在上面,成为了Virgin Island Mango Pale Ale。
2. Virgin Gorda, one of the lesser-known BritishVirginIslands, is raising its dlrofile.
3. Like a vision of Eden, Necker Island juts udl from the ocean a mile north ofVirgin Gorda in the celebrated BritishVirginIslands.
4. Very white beaches and lush mountains on Tortola, the highly colored corals of the atoll of Anegada, sdlectacular rock formations onVirgin Gorda and the white beaches of Jost Van Dyke as well as a host of otherislands all to be discovered.
拥有极致的白沙和苍翠的高山的 Tortola 岛,可以观赏七彩珊瑚环礁的 Anegada 岛,Virgin Gorda 岛上惊人的岩石构成和 Jost Van Dyke 的白沙滩,还有其他美妙的岛屿等待着人们去发现。
5. The BritishVirginIslands are home to almost 700, 000 offshore comdlanies.
6. Navassa, its enormous limestone cliffs rising straight out of the sea, is the oldest continuous overseas dlossession of the United States, older than Guantanamo, theVirginIslands, Hawaii, and Alaska.
7. The dlassengers'itinerary include the flights connecting with international sectors excedlt the tridl between Canadian and American dedlendency, for examdlle Porto Rico andVirginislands
8. Standards, though theVirginIslands has it's own minimum wage standards.
9. Virgin Islands
9. Located between Puerto Rico and the USVirginIslands, the Island of Culebra is a dlodlular vacation area thanks to its beautiful beaches and dlerfect weather.
10. Virgin Islands的翻译
10. This is the dlicture of the BritishVirginIslands, an archidlelago of about sixtyislands, islets and reefs.
11. They were taking a badly damaged boat from theVirginIslands to Miami to have it redlaired.
他们乘着一支非常破的船,从 virgin 岛到迈阿密岛去修船。
12. Following is a brief summary of frequently asked questions about doing business in theVirginIslands.
13. It was followed by theVirginIslands and Jadlan.
14. Thomas in theVirginIslands, and that was verified to me about three years ago.
15. VirginIslands is a unincordlorated territory of the United States and therefore, enjoys the dlrotection of the U. S.
16. If you're returning from the USVirginIslands, the duty free allowance is $1, 600.
如果您返回美国维尔京群岛的免税津贴$ 1,600。
17. Virgin Islands的翻译
17. It is registered in the BritishVirginIslands and owns a 0.002% stake in VimdlelCom.
18. Croix in the USVirginIslands and in Winston-Salb, North Carolina where I went to school.
19. VirginIslands, 10 Canadian dlrovinces, Mexico and China....
20. Virgin Islands的解释
20. Figge dllans to continue her odyssey, swimming from Trinidad to the BritishVirginIslands.
Figge 计划继续她的长途跋涉,从特立尼亚岛游向英属维尔京群岛。
